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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) – ZIMRA PAYMENTS – NEW TARMS SYSTEM

26th Oct 2023 in

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is TaRMS?

TaRMS is a new automated revenue collection system for domestic tax introduced by ZIMRA.  Acronym stands for Tax and Revenue Management System.


What is the purpose of TaRMS?

TaRMS aims to enhance ZIMRA's domestic tax operations by providing all stakeholders a more efficient and user-friendly transaction processing and reconciliation experience.


What is a TIN?

Taxpayer Identification Number, or TIN, is a unique number assigned by ZIMRA to identify a Company/ Corporate for the purposes of Tax administration.

The TIN will be replacing the BP Number.


How do I get my Tax Identification Number (TIN)?

Tax Identification numbers are assigned by ZIMRA. An existing Tax Payer will automatically receive a TIN from ZIMRA through their registered email. In light of this, Taxpayers are urged to contact ZIMRA and update their email addresses to ensure their TIN is sent to the correct address. New taxpayers are required to create a user account and obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) on the ZIMRA Self-Service Portal.


What happens to my current Business Partner Number?

BP Number will be replaced by the TIN and Zimra will communicate the TIN to taxpayers/ customers via email.


How do I register for tax payment?

To register, visit the ZIMRA Self Service Portal (SSP).  Upon completion nominate NMB Bank as your preferred bank to process your tax payments.


Can I use my Tax Identification Number (TIN) to open a business account?

Yes, your Tax Identification Number (TIN) will replace the Bank Advice Slip and Tax Clearance certificate when opening a business account. Financial institutions will now require a TIN for identifying and tracking tax obligations of a Corporate entity.


Can I link my existing current account or I should open a new sub-account for Tax purposes?

Clients can select their existing business current accounts for linking to a ZIMRA single account or open a sub-account if they wish for their reconciliation purposes.


What is the Single Payment Account and its role in the TaRMS system?

It serves as ZIMRA prepayment account for taxpayers to make their tax payments. The account is linked to TaRMS system.


How do I make a payment?

To make a payment you need to first nominate NMB as your bank on the ZIMRA Self-Service Portal (SSP). Transfer money into the ZIMRA Single Account on the NMB Connect App or NMB Connect Online.

NB: Processing of tax payments is effective 1 November 2023. 


Is my payment complete once I pay into ZIMRA single account?

No, transferring money from your business account to the ZIMRA single account is just one step in the payment process. You will still need to complete the payment by logging on to the ZIMRA Self-Service Portal (SSP) to select the obligation of the transferred money. ZIMRA will validate and update for tax status.


Where is the obligation feature or dropdown?

 Kindly note that the obligations are available on the ZIMRA Self Service Portal (SSP).                   


Can I pay on behalf of another company?

No. Each corporate to register for own TIN and open business account linked to a ZIMRA single Account. However, customers can transfer funds to the linked company's account for payment.


Can I pay directly into the ZIMRA account using cash?

No. You must make the deposit into your bank account then transact from your business account linked to ZIMRA single account.


Can I pay using any currency other than USD or ZWL.

No other currencies payments.  Only USD and ZWL.  Conversion of other currencies i.e. ZAR to be converted using bank rate of the day.


How do I correct my obligation?

On ZIMRA (SSP).  ZIMRA updates tax payments according to the priority of the tax payments.


Can I pay in batches for different obligations?

The choice lies with client. A Bulk transfer can be made and obligations split on SSP or split payments per obligation.


Is my old tax payment record/ information going to be migrated to the new system?

Yes, according to ZIMRA old tax records will be migrated to the new tax management system.


Are there notifications sent after paying into ZIMRA account?

A notification/confirmation pop-up message will be sent to the e-mail address in our records. A proof of payment will also be generated for your record and reference. A reference number will also be available for every payment made.


Which taxes can be settled on SSP?

All Domestic Tax payments are managed and settled through the TaRMS Self Service Portal (SSP)


If I link my TIN with NMB Account, does this mean that I will be able to pay for Customs duty using the SSP?

No Its not possible to make customs duty payments using the TaRMS Self Service Portal (SSP)


Can a sole proprietor register to get a TIN number for tax payments?

Yes, sole proprietors can register for a TIN on ZIMRA SSP, select their NMB account which will be linked to ZIMRA single account to perform domestic tax payments


Can I change the nominated account I am using to pay for ZIMRA tax?

Yes, it is possible to change the linked account. However, you can only change the account when you have a zero balance on your Tax obligations.


In the event that I overpay or duplicate a payment into the ZIMRA single account, how can I reverse the funds?

In the event that you overpay or make a duplicate payment, Engage ZIMRA through their (SSP) for the funds to be automatically reversed to your account.


Can I access the ZIMRA-submitted returns and outstanding obligations statement?

Yes. you can access your all submitted returns and Outstanding Obligations through the ZIMRA TaRMS Self-Service Portal (SSP). A notification/confirmation pop-up message will be sent to the e-mail address in our records. Proof of payment will also be generated for your records and reference.